The Rev. Anthony E. Hayworth serves as pastor at Fairview Moravian Church. Tony, the son of J. Earl Hayworth and Betty Rothrock Hayworth, was blessed to grow up in the Friedland Moravian congregation and was nurtured by many pastors, teachers and role models. During his Friedland years, Tony met his future wife, Laura (Barnes) Hayworth, the daughter of The Reverend Alan H. Barnes and Mary Elizabeth (Tesch) Barnes. He comes to Fairview following pastorates at Grace Moravian in Mt. Airy and First Moravian in Greensboro. Pastor Tony graduated in 2008 with a Master of Divinity from Moravian Theological Seminary in Bethlehem, PA and is pursuing a Doctor of Ministry in Christian Spirituality from Virginia Theological Seminary. Tony graduated from NCSU with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and worked in chemical manufacturing in High Point and Greensboro for 21 years. His wife, Laura, works at Atrium Health Baptist Medical Center and is the organist at Christ Moravian. Their daughter, Elizabeth, and husband, Stephen, welcomed their first child, Alan James Thiele, on February 11th, 2021. Tony has interest in evangelism, Bible study, Jesus’ healing ministry, spiritual formation, carpentry, and mission outreach; he plays golf and grows grass for fun and relaxation. They, along with loving dogs Bella and Milo, have a home just south of Pinnacle.
Please contact our pastor at 336-768-5629 ext. 2208 or email at tony@fairviewmoravianchurch.org