Fairview Moravian Church
If you have a Fever, Cough or Shortness of breath please remain home and enjoy our service on YouTube or Facebook
Bulletins will be printed in advance and placed on each row. You may find the bulletin online at http://fairviewmoravianchurch.org/content/index.php/bulletin/ or watch for posted information in the sanctuary
Offering plates will not be passed, please place your offering in the offering box in the foyer upon entry or exit
Restrooms in the foyer are available. Please wash and clean before and after use. An area disinfectant will be available for cleaning. The Ushers will assist in the restroom cleaning.
Ushers will dismiss by rows to maintain proper distancing. Please exit the building and use the outside space to converse. Please be patient as we safely clear the building.
Only Sunday Morning Worship currently. Our service will continue to be live streamed on YouTube and Facebook for those not comfortable with attending or unable to attend. Nursery services cannot be offered at this time.
Please remain seated during the reading of out liturgy. For those that do not have a cloth face covering we ask that you follow along silently.
Music and Singing
Please remain seated during the singing of all hymns. For those that do not have a cloth face covering we ask that you follow along silently.
Communion is offered eight times throughout the year. The Moravian Church practices OPEN communion where all who profess Jesus Christ are welcome to the Lord’s Table.